10 February 2010

i'm about to be on my way to our transitional living program location this morning to speak with the supervisor there. there is a job open in case management. my schedule does not lend itself to such a job, but i feel like i am capable of doing the job and i would like to talk about the possibility of changing the job schedule/requirements slightly so that i can.
it may be completely fruitless, but i wouldn't be myself if i didn't at least talk it out.

at any rate, things have been stressful this week and it's only wednesday. yesterday was so draining...i can't even describe it. i don't even know.

i'll get back to you.

1 comment:

j and s (but mainly s) said...

good luck. our program does TLP and outreach. we used to separate workers to have some workers be do TLP and the others do outreach, but now we all do 50/50. there are pros and cons to both! good luck!